Designing a Client Questionnaire

Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom.
Also note: This is not legal advice.


Creating the perfect client questionnaire is essential for lawyers wanting to provide the very best service to their clients. Taking into account a range of factors, including the nature of the legal issue at hand, outlining desired outcomes and gathering background information, a well-crafted questionnaire enables lawyers to provide services tailored specifically to their clients’ needs.

Genie AI’s open source legal template library is transforming the way in which lawyers approach this task. Powered by millions of datapoints, Genie AI’s AI provides knowledge on what a market-standard client questionnaire looks like that can be used by any user without having to hire a lawyer or pay any fee. It gives an unprecedented level of assurance that the right questions will be asked and that your clients needs will be addressed accordingly.

In addition to enabling lawyers to gain a better understanding of their clients’ legal issues and providing more comprehensive services, creating an effective client questionnaire can also help build trust with your clients. Demonstrating that you are taking time to fully understand their needs and expectations shows them that you are committed to providing them with the best possible service – something which can be beneficial for both parties in developing a strong working relationship together.

Furthermore, by gathering information from your client via questionnaires you can ensure more informed decision making too – meaning decisions are made based on an accurate understanding of their legal situation rather than relying on guesswork or intuition alone.

Ultimately, if you want your law firm or practice to offer unrivalled levels of service then it pays dividends in taking time out up front designing effective questionnaires which address your clients’ individual needs precisely and accurately - whether they’re seeking advice on employment law or corporate finance matters… For step-by-step guidance on creating client questionnaires – as well as accessing Genie AI’s community template library today – simply read our detailed guide below!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Proactive: Taking action in advance of a situation, rather than waiting for it to occur. Taking steps to prevent a problem from occurring.

Stakeholder: A person or group that has an interest in the outcome of a process or decision.

Synthesize: To combine different elements to create something new; the result of a synthesis is often more than the sum of its parts.

Objectives: Goals that one wishes to achieve.


Get started

Identifying the Purpose of the Questionnaire

Defining the purpose of the questionnaire and determining the desired outcome before drafting the questions is essential for creating an effective questionnaire.

Choosing the Right Questions

Choosing the right questions to ask is essential to ensure that the questionnaire is effective. Questions should be relevant, clear and concise.

You can check this step off your list once you are happy with the questions you have drafted.

Drafting the Questions

Drafting the questions to ensure that the survey is effective and appropriate to the purpose.

Establishing the Right Structure

Establishing the right structure for the questionnaire is also important. This includes determining the overall length, deciding whether it should be open-ended or closed-ended, and deciding if it should be multiple-choice or single-choice.

When you have determined the structure of the questionnaire, you can move on to the next step.

Coding the Questions

Coding the questions in order to make analyzing the data easier.

Testing the Questionnaire

Testing the questionnaire to ensure that the questions are clear, the structure is correct, and the coding is correct.

Encouraging Engagement

Encouraging engagement with the questions is important for gathering valuable feedback. This can be done by using personalization, humor, and incentives.

Distributing the Questionnaire

Distributing the questionnaire to the target audience using the most appropriate method.

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

Ensuring Data Security

Ensuring data security is also important to protect the privacy of the respondents. This includes implementing appropriate encryption protocols and using secure methods of data transmission.

Analyzing the Results

When you have completed the above steps, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Once the questionnaire is complete, it is important to analyze the results to gain valuable insights. This includes analyzing the responses, looking for patterns, and drawing conclusions.

When you have completed the analysis of the results, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.


Q: What qualifications do I need to design a client questionnaire?

Asked by Daisy on 01 January 2022.
A: To design a client questionnaire, you will need to have a good understanding of the legal system in the jurisdiction where the questionnaire will be used. Depending on the complexity of the questionnaire, you may need to have specific qualifications or experience in law or legal research. If you are designing a questionnaire for clients in different jurisdictions, such as the UK, US, or EU, you may need to obtain additional qualifications or certification. Additionally, if you are designing the questionnaire for a specific industry or sector, such as SaaS, Technology, or B2B companies, you may need to have specialised knowledge about that industry or sector.

Q: How should I structure my client questionnaire?

Asked by David on 25 May 2022.
A: When structuring your client questionnaire, it is important to consider factors such as the purpose of the questionnaire (e.g., to obtain information from clients), the type of questions that need to be asked (e.g., open-ended questions vs multiple-choice questions), and the length of the questionnaire (e.g., short surveys vs long surveys). Additionally, it is important to consider the language used in your questionnaire and how this may impact how clients respond. For instance, using jargon or technical terms can make it difficult for clients to understand what is being asked and can potentially lead to inaccurate responses. It is also important to ensure that your questions are relevant and appropriate for your clients and their needs.

Q: How do I ensure my client questionnaire is legally compliant?

Asked by Emma on 14 August 2022.
A: To ensure that yourclient questionnaire is legally compliant, it is important to research relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdiction(s) where it will be used. This includes understanding what types of questions can and cannot be asked (e.g., questions about age or race), as well as any other restrictions that may apply (e.g., data protection laws). Additionally, it is important to ensure that your questionnaire does not contain any discriminatory language or terms that could potentially be interpreted as discriminatory by potential respondents. Finally, you should ensure that your questions are clear and unambiguous so that potential respondents understand exactly what is being asked of them in order for their answers to be valid and legally compliant.

Q: What other factors should I consider when designing a client questionnaire?

Asked by Christopher on 21 October 2022.
A: When designing a client questionnaire, there are other factors that should be considered beyond legal compliance. This includes factors such as the type of data required (e.g., demographic data vs behavioural data), how often the data needs to be collected (e.g., once or multiple times over a period of time), and how long it should take respondents to complete (e.g., 5 minutes vs 30 minutes). Additionally, it is important to consider how you will analyse and interpret the data once it has been collected (e.g., using statistical tests or machine learning algorithms). Finally, you should consider any ethical implications associated with collecting and using this data from potential respondents and ensure that all necessary precautions are taken in order to protect their privacy and security.

Example dispute

Suing a Business over a Client Questionnaire

Templates available (free to use)

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