Public Policy Formation (34:833:510)

Some of the sources you might want to use when analyzing public policy include newspaper articles, scholarly journal articles, oversight or implementation hearings, reports by think tanks or research centers, or government reports.

Helpful Tip for Hearings

HELPFUL TIP: Try searching for Congressional Hearings post-enactment of your public law. These hearings, sometimes called "oversight" hearings provide Congress with information regarding implementation, problems and solutions. Use Congressional Publications: Select only Hearings from the facets on the left and enter the title of your law or keywords in the search box; adjust the dates covered range as well. Search example: (oversight or implementation) AND "energy policy act of 2005"

Government Analysis/ Research Reports

The GAO supports the work of Congress by performing audits and evaluations of government programs and activities. See the Reports and Testimonies tab.

The CBO provides objective, nonpartisan economic analyses of pending legislation. Under "Topics", you can browse by subject.

Congressional Research Service via

Under Browse Databases by Name, select Congressional Documents, then CRS reports

On landing page, enter your search terms, and select CRS reports from pulldown menu on the right.

Searchable source of CRS reports-Enter "crs and your topic." Also, many relevant reports will be listed on the "Miscellaneous Topics" page.

Another searchable collection of Congressional Research Service Reports. We also have a microfilm collection of CRS reports-in the Library Catalog, enter the terms "congressional research service and your topic."

"This official source is the online counterpart to the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications. It covers electronic and print publications from the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the U.S. government beginning with 1976." Useful for finding reports produced by federal departments and agencies charged with implementing a policy.

Think Tanks, Policy Research Centers, etc.

Harvard Kennedy School Library & Knowledge Services

"The Center for American Progress is an independent nonpartisan educational institute dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through progressive ideas and action."

Journal Articles

(A more complete list is here.) See the Getting the Article page of this guide for more info on searching for scholarly journal articles.

This resource abstracts and indexes over 10,000 titles in the social sciences, while also providing access to over 1,800 scholarly journals. Includes both PAIS INDEX and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts.

A legal research collection that features full-text searching of scholarly legal and criminal justice periodicals and related materials such as the Code of Federal Regulations, a Federal Register Library, U.S. Attorney General Opinions, a U.S. Federal Legislative History Library, and U.S. Statutes at Large.

A multidisciplinary database. Multidisciplinary-Indexes major journals in the sciences, social sciences and humanities.

A citation and abstract database of peer-reviewed literature in the areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

Searches peer-reviewed papers, dissertations, books, preprints, reports from academic publishers, professional societies, universities and other scholarly organizations.

Searches the library catalog

Newspaper Databases

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NJ Star Ledger and other local papers, as well as national and global publications.

Current New York Times and Washington Post can be searched in this database, as well as many other news publications.

To search for a specific title inWestlaw:
pr("new york times") and your additional keywords
pr("washington post") and your keywords

Example: pr("new york times") and flu pandemic

The current Wall Street Journal is available through this database. New York Times and Washington Post are also accessible via Factiva. See this guide to using Factiva.

Public Opinion

The Roper Center iPOLL is a compilation of over 500,000 questions from public opinion polls on a broad range of topics, 1935 to present.

Weekly summary/analysis of latest Gallup Poll findings. 2002+

"The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press is an independent, non-partisan public opinion research organization that studies attitudes toward politics, the press and public policy issues." Public opinion surveys back to 1997. See Topics tab.

Polling the Nations is a compilation of the full-text of the questions and responses from over 14,000 national, state, and local surveys conducted since 1986 by more than 1,400 polling organizations in the United States and more than 100 other countries.