Frequently Asked Questions

How can I declare a double major, dual degree, or an intra-college dual degree?

How do I drop or add a course?

How do I withdraw from the University?

What happens if I get a “D” or “F” in a course?

If I receive an “F” in a course, may I repeat that course at another university?

Is it possible to receive an “F” in a course for which I have registered S/U?

How do I remove an Incomplete?

What do I need to do before the “W” deadline?

What courses may I take S/U (commonly called pass/fail)?

May I take a course at a local college during the summer and transfer the credits to BGSU?

Are there any scholarships available through the College of Business?

How do I obtain permission to register for more than 18 hours?

Can I appeal taking over 18 credit hours?

Do I need a laptop?

While it is not required to have a laptop, the College of Business highly recommends the following laptops and technology hardware and software:

Visit the BGSU student technology guide to learn more.