
Drugs [1] (IV.10)
a. Use, possession, purchasing (including the attempt to purchase), manufacturing, or distribution of marijuana, heroin, narcotics, or other controlled substances, except as expressly permitted by law.

b. Constructive possession of marijuana, heroin, narcotics or other controlled substances whereby possession is defined as the presence of contraband in an area under one's control such as a residence hall room in which the student is assigned or a vehicle.

c. Being under the influence of illegal drugs or other controlled substances on university premises or at official university student activities/functions on or off campus.

d. Selling (including the attempt to sell), delivering, transporting or furnishing any illegal drugs or controlled substances.

e. Hosting or organizing a party (4.IV.9.g) where marijuana, heroin, narcotics or other controlled substances are present. Students found responsible for violation of this specific provision are subject to loss of university housing.

f. Possession of drug paraphernalia including but not limited to pipes, bongs, grinders and other devices.

g. Use of legal substances or synthetic substances, legal or illegal, in a fashion designed to alter one's mental or physical state.

h. Impaired driving as a result of the use of drugs or illegal substances.

i. Drugging another person's food or drink, or by any other means, without their knowledge or consent.

[1] The official policy is published in the KU student handbook, The Key; please consult the official policy in the student handbook as needed.

Student Conduct Sanctions for Alcohol Violations

A student found to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be sanctioned in accordance with the procedures and standards outlined in the Document on Student Rights and Welfare. Specifically, the first offense for an alcohol-related violation will likely result in a sanction of a disciplinary reprimand or disciplinary probation. In addition, students are required to complete an alcohol education program as part of their sanction. A second offense may result in an extended term of disciplinary probation and referral to the appropriate alcohol educational and/or intervention program. Second or subsequent offenses that occur while on disciplinary probation may result in the student being suspended from the University for one semester (minimum).

A program of progressive discipline is employed for additional offenses that occur if a student is not on disciplinary probation including but not limited to extended disciplinary probation, loss of university housing and/or participation in an alcohol and other drug evaluation. The Kutztown University Student Code of Conduct applies to conduct that occurs on university premises, at university sponsored activities, and to off campus conduct that represents a substantial university interest which adversely affects the university community and the pursuit of its objective.

Alcohol Conduct Standard

Alcohol Policy

Student Code of Conduct

Alcohol [1] (IV.9)

a. Use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or alcoholic products on university premises except as expressly permitted by official university policy.

b. Constructive possession of alcoholic beverages or products whereby possession is defined as the presence of alcoholic beverages or products in an area under one's control such as a residence hall room in which the student is assigned or a vehicle.

c. Public intoxication on university premises or at official university student activities/functions on or off campus.

d. Underage use of alcohol including the purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol by a minor.

e. Excessive use of alcohol resulting in a state of intoxication. Excessive use may include use resulting in a need for medical attention, inability to function without assistance, unconsciousness, incoherent or disoriented behavior, loss of control of bodily functions, and /or having a blood alcohol level of .16 or above.

f. Selling or furnishing (including the attempt to sell or furnish) alcoholic beverages or products without a license to a minor on or off campus.

g. Hosting or organizing a party where a party is defined as involving eight (8) or more people in residence halls; or twelve (12) or more in suite style residence halls; or twenty (20) or more in apartments or on nearby grounds at which alcoholic beverages or products and/or drugs are present. Students found responsible for violation of this specific provision are subject but not limited to loss of university housing.

h. Driving while intoxicated. Intoxication includes driving with blood alcohol content of .08 or greater for persons who are 21 years of age or older or .02 or greater for persons under the age of 21.

[1] The official policy is published in the KU student handbook, The Key; please consult the official policy in the student handbook as needed.