The Library Management System is an automated system that is made up of VB.NET and MS Access database. The main purpose of this Library Management System in VB.NET is to give convenience to customer if they want to borrow a book and return the book. This Library Management System in VB.NET is very easy to use that the features can be easily understood by any users.
Every librarian wants something that would make their work easier inside the library. We all know that it’s not very easy to handle lots of books with different categories. That’s why this Library Management System in VB.NET is very helpful for school or public libraries. With the use of this Library Management System in VB.NET, it will be easier for the librarian/admin to manage the books in categorical order. He has the ability to add books, groups, issue and return books. He can also view book report, customer details and rented book details. The admin should also provide all the details about the books such as ID, name, Publisher, Author, Year, Price, Edition and many more.
This Library Management System in VB.NET with Full Source Code is for educational purposes only. You can download it as a reference and expand your knowledge in making a system. You can freely modify it, according to your desire.
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